Customer Story
Swiss Media Database

Learn how we supported over 150 media partners with millions of documents that we store in our growing media database archive.

Problem statement

Our shareholders, SRF as part of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG SSR), TX Group, Ringier and our over 150 other media partners must cope with millions of documents that we store in our growing media database archive for them and access through a powerful search engine.


Our customers are journalists, publishers, researchers, and media professionals who need access to a fast, reliable, and responsive media database 365 days a year 24/7 around the clock.

Our Solution

Performance and scalability are key to their success. With our cloud platform, we can scale their needs horizontally and vertically without interruption. The rollout of the Lucene-based search engine on IBM LinuxONE reduced our indexing times from weeks to hours.

"That's what real technology is — it's a mixture between sound, fantastic technology, asolid partnership and trust, so that my partner is also a friend."

Roberto Nespeca, CEO SMD Schweizer Mediendatenbank AG

Roberto Nespeca

CEO SMD Schweizer Mediendatenbank AG


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