Secure Private Cloud

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a versatile cloud computing environment used for secure application hosting, development and testing, data analytics, web hosting, disaster recovery, IoT applications, hybrid cloud deployments, high-performance computing, content delivery, secure remote access, compliance adherence, multi-tier applications, and blockchain network hosting. VPCs provide organizations with a controlled and isolated cloud infrastructure, allowing them to meet specific needs, ensure data security, and comply with industry regulations across a wide range of use cases.

Challenges of running a Private Cloud

Complexity - Managing the Intricacies of VPC Setup

Setting up and managing a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) can be intricate, especially without cloud expertise.

Cost Control - Effectively Managing Budgets and Expenses

Effective budgeting and resource allocation are essential to prevent unexpected expenses.

Security Configuration - Ensuring Proper Access Controls and Security

Proper security settings, including access controls, are critical to avoid vulnerabilities.

Network Performance - Addressing Latency and Congestion

Factors like latency and congestion can affect network performance.

Scalability Planning - Preparing for Growth and Resource Demands

Planning for growth and scalability is necessary to prevent resource constraints.

Compliance Adherence - Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Meeting regulatory requirements demands meticulous attention to compliance standards.

Interoperability - Ensuring Compatibility with On-Premises and Other Cloud Resources

Ensuring compatibility with on-premises infrastructure and between VPCs can be complex.

The Virtual Private Cloud

Our secure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) combines the benefits of a private cloud with enhanced network isolation and security measures. It comprises crucial components and practices to safeguard sensitive data and resources within a dedicated virtualized cloud environment. Key components include a physically secure infrastructure based on IBM and Lenovo Hardware, a hypervisor for virtualization based on KVM, orchestration tools for resource management, and robust security measures like firewalls based on Fortinet, encryption based on HSM, intrusion detection, and identity/access management based on KeyCloak. We rely on our highly automated implementation of OpenStack to manage the cloud.

In a secure VPC, network segmentation is employed to restrict unauthorized access, and user-role management enforces the principle of least privilege. Data classification, incident response plans, staff training, and security audits bolster overall security. Monitoring based on a OpenSearch Cluster implementation, cold backup is in the subterranean former military bunker Swiss Fortnox I + II of Mount10, and disaster recovery mechanisms ensure operational continuity, while compliance and governance tools help meet regulatory requirements. Our Swiss operations team is available around the clock and operates the infrastructure with a service level agreement of a maximum response time of 4 hours.

For secure cloud computing and the isolation of VMs, we use technologies from AMD and our Epyc processors. Based on AMD SEV (Secure Encrypted Virtualization) and SME (Secure Memory Encryption), VMs can be deployed in our Openstack in a highly secure manner.


Learn more about our secure Virtual Private Cloud